السبت، 19 سبتمبر 2009

AJAX Essential Training

AJAX Essential Training

Running Time: 4:22 (hrs:min)
In AJAX Essential Training, instructor Dori Smith shows experienced web developers how to utilize AJAX to best create dynamic pages. The course covers selecting the best tools for the job (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, XML), understanding all aspects of HTTP from requests to responses, and creating dynamic forms and maps from static HTML and CSS forms and files. Dori also explains in detail how to get and use the Yahoo! UI framework. Exercise files accompany the tutorials.



VTC Macromedia Actionscript 2.0

VTC Macromedia Actionscript 2.0 OOP



VTC Web Design Fundamentals

VTC Web Design Fundamentals



Introduction to ActionScript 2.0

Introduction to Action Script 2.0


الأربعاء، 16 سبتمبر 2009

Lynda.com - Learning Blogger [Training Video]

Lynda.com - Learning Blogger [Training Video]


Password: /LearnMore\

The Universe - Season 4: Biggest Blasts (2007)

The Universe - Season 4: Biggest Blasts (2007)

XviD | Video AVI 624x352 - 16:9 - 23.679fps 916 kbps | English AC3 128kbps - 48.000Hz | 00:44:59 | 349 Mb

The Universe is full of explosions that both create and destroy. The Chicxulub impact on the Yucatan peninsula, which may have wiped out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago, was two million times more powerful than the largest nuclear bomb ever detonated on Earth. But guess what? That's only good enough for the very bottom of the Biggest Blasts top ten list. This episode works its way up through supernova explosions and gamma ray bursts all the way to the blast that started it all--the Big Bang.

National Geographic - Ultimate Crocodile (2007)

National Geographic - Ultimate Crocodile (2007)

DVDRip XviD | Video AVI 672x368 - 16:9 - 25fps 1718 kbps | English AC3 192kbps - 48.000Hz | 00:54:09 | 750 Mb

Join National Geographic as they travel to the wilds of Africa to track the Nile crocodile, one of Earth's deadliest and most feared killers. The Nile crocodile is an ancient species that has haunted Africa's waters since the age of the dinosaurs. Yet in over 60 million years, this stealthy creature has changed very little. A crocodile i its prime can reach over 18 feet in length and weigh nearly a ton. It can lunge several feet in the blink of an eye and subdue prey as large as a buffalo. Once nearly decimated by hunters, these mighty giant crocodiles are making an amazing comeback. In a land where lions rules the Savannah, Nile crocodiles are now reclaiming the rivers.


BBC - Earth Story: With Aubrey Manning

BBC - Earth Story: With Aubrey Manning [Included Eng Sub]

Episode 1: The Time Travellers
Geologists, who study the Earth, seek to understand the processes that have shaped our planet throughout its history, creating the world we see around us. To do so, they must reconstruct the Earth's past. Yet how can we tell what happened in distant epochs when there were no witnesses to record events? Around 200 years ago scientists first began to realize that clues to the past lay all around them, in the rocks that make up the Earth's surface. as they learnt how to read these rocks, they began a journey back through time which geologists continue to this day.

Episode 2: The Deep
A curious feature of our planet's surface is that it has two distinct levels: the dry land on the continents, on average a few hundred metres above sea level, and the ocean floor, making up two-thirds of the Earth's surface, several kilometres below sea level. Only in the past fifty years have scientists begun to explore in detail this vast region, revealing beneath the waves a landscape quite unlike the world we are used to. They have discovered a vast mountain range which encircles the entire globe. Here new sea floor is being continuously formed as the Earth's surface splits apart.

Episode 3: Ring of Fire
The Pacific Ocean is rimmed by a chain of active volcanoes, arranged in a series of graceful arcs and extending 30,000 kilometres from New Zealand through Fiji, New Guinea, the Philippines, Japan, the Aleutian Islands, and down the west coast of the Americas to Patagonia. This necklace of volcanoes, continually rocked by earthquakes, has been christened the 'Ring of Fire'. Scientists exploring the link between the Pacific Ocean and the earthquakes and volcanoes which surround it have formulated a remarkable theory, plate tectonics, which explains not only how the outer part of the Earth works, but how the continents themselves, and the mineral wealth they contain, were first formed and continue to grow.

Episode 4: Journey to the Centre of the Earth
What drives the tectonic plates as they glide over the Earth's surface? Searching for an answer, scientists have probed our planet to its core. In this realm of unimaginably high temperatures and pressures, matter takes on new forms, and solid rock can behave like a fluid. As vast masses of rock flow slowly within the Earth, so the surface moves and changes. Gigantic plumes of hot material can well up from the depths, triggering huge volcanic eruptions and causing the crust to bulge and break. The result may be the splitting of a continent and the creation of a new ocean basin.

Episode 5: The Roof of the World
Most of the dry land on Earth sits no more than a few hundred metres above sea level. But in some places mountain belts rise to heights of several kilometres.These regions are often prone to devastating earth tremors. How are mountains formed and what is the connection with earthquakes? The answer may lie in the fluid-like properties of the Earth's outer layers. According to a new theory, mountains may flow up or down when continents collide. In the process they affect the circulation of the planet's atmosphere and change the climate.

Episode 6: The Big Freeze
In the nineteenth century geologists discovered evidence that large parts of the northern hemisphere had once been covered by gigantic ice sheets. Scientists have now learnt that the waxing and waning of these ice sheets are just one
aspect of global climatic change, and that the planet has been in the past both hotter and colder than it is today.The complex interactions between variations in the Earth's orbit around the Sun, the movements of tectonic plates, the planet's atmosphere and ocean currents, can result in large and rapid swings in the Earth's climate.

Episode 7: The Living Earth
Over the past 4 billion years, life has evolved from simple single-celled organisms into the tremendous variety of plants and animals that exist today. As scientists learn more about the Earth's history, they are realizing that the forces which have shaped the planet have also had a profound effect on the course of evolution. The movement of the tectonic plates has rearranged the continents, providing ever-changing conditions for living organisms, stimulating the evolution of new life-forms. Violent volcanic eruptions, meteorite impacts and drastic climatic changes have triggered mass extinctions, causing setbacks to life on Earth. But the same events have provided new opportunities for the survivors.

Episode 8: A World Apart
Is the Earth unique, and if so, why? To find an answer, scientists have had to explore the Solar System, searching for clues about our planet's birth. Uniquely amongst the terrestrial planets, the Earth has retained liquid water on its surface for over 4 billion years, despite a steady increase in the Sun's heat output.This water has had a profound influence on the planet's geological activity, as well as being a breeding ground for life. But living organisms may have played a crucial role in ensuring that liquid water exists on Earth, linking the planet's geology and biology tightly together.


الثلاثاء، 15 سبتمبر 2009


البطاريات :
تتكون البطاريات من مجموعه من الخلايا الفولتيه Voltaic cell بمعنى اخر خلايا منتجه للجهد او الفولت .
كل خليه فولتيه بتتكون من انصاف خلايا Half cell .
كل نصف خليه بيتكون من : قطب كهربى Electrode و والمحلول الكهربى Electrolyte .
شوف الصوره تحت للتوضيح اكثر .

يعنى ايه قطب كهربى ويعنى ايه محلول كهربى ؟
اقولك القطب الكهربى :
هو عباره هن ماده موصله للكهرباء متأينه بمعنى ان الايونات سواء الموجبه او السالبه بتروحلها او بتتراكم عليها .
ولها نوعين :
قطب موجب : قطب بتتراكم هليه الايونات الموجبه Cations واسمه بالانجليزى Cathode .
قطب سالب : قطب بتتراكم عليه الشحنات السالبه Anions واسمه بالانجليزى Anode .

طيب يعنى ايه بقى محلول كهربى Electrolyte ؟
المحلول الكهربى : هو عباره عن ماده محتويه ايونات Ions (موجبه او سالبه) ولذلك فى ماده تعد وسط لتوصيل الكهرباء . وغالبا ما بتكون محلول ولكن ايضا فى منها مواد صلبه Solid electrolyte ومواد مذابه Molten electrolyte .
ازاى بتشتغل ؟
بص يا عم كل نص خليه ليها حاجه اسمها EMF اختصار لElectromotive force معينه بتحدد حسب قدره نصف الخليه على توليد تيار ودفعه من داخل الخليه للخارج .والمحصله بتاعت EMF اسمها Net Emf دى بتسبب فى وجود فرق جهد بين الطرفين وبكده اصبح عندنا مصدر جهد وفرق الجهد يمرر عندنا تيار فى الدائره الكهربيه .
انواعها :
فى نوعين للبطاريات :
  1. النوع الاول وهى البطاريات الاوليه Primary وهى بطاريات فى الغالب لا يمكن شحنه بتستخدم مره واحده وخلاص .
  2. النوع التانى وهى البطاريات الثانويه Secondary وهى بطريات ممكن نشحنها ونستخدمه اكثر من مره .
شكلها فى الدائره (الرمز بتها فى الدائره ) :
خد بالك البطاريه مصدر جهد

البطاريات العمليه :
بمعنى تاني ان البطاريه لو كانت فى الدائره لوحديها كده فدى بتبقى بطاريه مثاليه وزى ما انت عارف مفيش حاجه مثاليه فأن بيبقى فى مقاومه Rb على التوالى مع البطاريه وقيمتها بتختلف حسب حاله الشحن .
المهم لو البطاريه مشحونه بالكامل بتكون قيمه المقاومه صغيره ولو نصف مشحونه او مفرغه بالكامل بتكون قيمه المقاومه اكبر وهكذا تقدر تقول عليها ان قيمه المقاومه داله فى حال شحن البطاريه .


There are three major types of sources :
  1. Batteries
  2. Solar Voltaic Cell
  3. Wall outlet ( we will take about it later)
Batteries :
It consist of set of voltaic cell.
Each voltaic cell consist of half cell.
Each half cell consist of electrolyte and electrode.

electrode : it just a conductive material used to make connection between nonmetallic material, in the electrochemical cell it referred to as anode (positive electrode) or cathode ( negative electrode) .

what is the difference between the anode and cathode ?
anode : is the electrode which the negative charged ions (anions) accumulate .
cathode : is the electrode which the positive charged ions (cations) accumulate.

electrolyte : it just a material contains ions so, it work as a conductive medium . It known as ionic solution but also the solid and molten electrolyte are possible .
how does it works ?
each half cell have EMF (electromotive force) depend on the ability of the half cell to drive electric current from interior to exterior and the net EMF is the difference between each emf .This net EMF drive voltage across the two terminal measured by volts.
Types of batteries :
  • Primary batteries or Disposible batteries (cannot be recharged)
  • Secondary batteries or Rechargable batteries ( can be recharged)
Symbol in the circuit :
notice : the batteries are voltage sources.

The practical batteries in the circuit :
the internal resistance depend on the state of charge on the battery .
Rb for the fully charged battery is smaller than half or non charged batteries .

الأحد، 13 سبتمبر 2009

المصادر الكهربيه Sources

Electrical Sources :
We ca classify the Sources as :
  1. Current Source
  2. Voltage Source
Also The Current Sources classified as :
  • DC Current Source
  • AC Current Source
And the Voltage Sources classified as well ,
  • DC Voltage Source
  • AC Voltage Source

What is the Meaning of AC ,DC ?
AC : Alternating Current
The output signal like the sin wave.

DC : Direct Current
The output is constant with the time .

المصادر الكهربيه :
تنقسم المصادر الكهربيه الى قسمين :
  1. مصادر تيار Current Source
  2. مصادر جهد Voltage Source
ويقسم كل من القسمين الى :
  • مصادر متردده (ذات خرج متردد) AC
  • مصادر ثابته (ذات خرج ثابت ) DC

يعنى ايه مصادر ثابته ومتردده ؟
بص يا عم المصادر المتردده AC : هى مصادر الخرج بتعها سواء تيار او جهد متردد يبقى عامل زى داله السين Sin wave .
والمصادر الثابته DC :
هى مصادر الخرج بتعها سواء كان تيار او جهد (فولت ) ثابت مع الزمن .

السبت، 12 سبتمبر 2009

Microsoft Streets and Trips 2010-ZWTiSO

Microsoft Streets and Trips 2010-ZWTiSO

Size: 1.33 GB

Description :

Microsoft Streets & Trips makes trip planning easy. Accurate maps and route-planning options help you get nearly anywhere in the United States and Canada. Customizable features let you plot your course, and more than 1.7 million points of interest help you plan your trip down to the last detail. Once you’ve planned your trip, you can send your route to your GPS device for navigation on the go. Use Streets & Trips to plan a trip that’s tailored specifically to your needs and interests. Pick the route that is right for you, from highways to scenic byways, and add places that you want to stop along the way—rest stops, hotels, landmarks, and more. You can even download free construction updates from the Web. After you have created your route, you can share it with others or send it to your GPS device for easy navigating.

  • Get updated street-level maps for the United States and Canada.
  • Calculate fuel usage and costs before you leave.
  • Get free road construction updates to avoid delays.
  • Personalize your maps with comments, phone numbers, and notes for planned stops.
  • Find special savings for restaurants, hotels, and events with Entertainment Online trial offer.2
  • Include multiple destinations and stops to refuel.
  • GPS Ready―Connect your GPS device to your laptop to get spoken directions including street names, automatic rerouting, and large on-screen directions.



توصيل المكثفات Capacitor Connection

Capacitor connection :
  • Series connection توصيل على التوالى
  • Parallel connection توصيل على التوازى
  1. Series Connection التوصيل على التوالى :

Notice : It the reverse of Resistors and Inductors .
لاحظ : القوانين عكس المقاومات والملفات .

  1. Parallel Connection التوصيل على التوازى :


الطاقه المخزنه داخل المكثف Wstored :
هى مقدار الشغل المذول لشحنه . (القوانين تحت )

Energy Stored in capacitor :
is the work done to charge it .
dW = V x dq Joules
C = Q/V Farad
W = ∫ Q/C dq
Wstored = 1/2 x Q^2 /C Joules
also, equal
Wstored = 1/2 x C x V^2 Joules

الخميس، 10 سبتمبر 2009

تفريغ المكثف Capacitor Discharge

Capacitor Discharge :
After the capacitor fully charged then open switch S1 and close Switch S2 .

The Capacitor Start to discharge :
Q(t) = C x VBattery e^-t/RC
Vc(t) = VBattery x e^-t/RC
also with Time constant RC .

Notice :
The Current I(t) also decrease with the charge Q(t) .
Vc -IR = 0 from KVL
Vc = IR
Vc = Q(t) / C
Q(t)/C = I(t) x R
Q(t) proportional to I(t) so ,If Q(t) Decrease then I(t) will decrease Also.
another way to prove that :
from the definition of the current : it is the amount of charge to flow along certain period .
I = Q/t
so If Q decrease then I will decrease also .

تفريغ المكثف :
بص يا عم فى الدرس السابق شحنا المكثف لو تفتكر . هنكمل بقيه التجربه دلوقتى هنفرغه هنفصل المفتاح S1 ونفقل المفتاح S2 .

هيبدأ المكثف بفرغ .
لاحظ هنا كل من الشحنه الكهربيه والفولت بتاع المكثف والتيار هيقل لانه بفرغ .
Vc(t) = VBattery x e^-t/RC
Q(t) = C x Vc(t) = C x VBattery e^-t/RC

بنفس الثابت الزمنى Time constant بيساوى = RC لو مش فاكره ارجعله فى الدرس السابق .
وكذلك الحال مع التيار فالتيار هيقل طول ما الشحنه الكهربيه هتقل , وده طبيعى لو تفتكر تعريف التيار وهو مقدار الشحنه الكهربيه فى موصل خلال فتره زمنيه معينه I = Q/t . تقول اه كل لما الشحنه هتقل التيار هيقل .

Vc - IR = 0
Vc = IR
Vc = Q(t) / C
Q(t)/C = I(t) x R
وبالتالى التيار بيتناسب تناسبا طرديا مع الشحنه وبالتالى كل لما تقل الشحنه يقل التيار .

وده شكل تغير التيار والشحنه مع الزمن :

Capacitor Charge

Charging the capacitor :

when switch S1 is closed
The Capacitor start to charge from the battery :
Q(t) = C x Vbattery ( 1 - e^-t/RC)
Vc(t) = Vbattery ( 1 - e^-t/RC)
with Time Constant = RC
Wait ... ! What is the Time Constant ?
The Time Constant is the Time needed for physical quantity to raise from zero to 63.2% of it's final value or Time needed for physical quantity to fall to 36.8% of it initial value.

63.2+36.8 = 100

The final charged voltage is the volt of the battery VBattery so,
The Total charge (the final charge) = C x VBattery
Vbattery = I(t) x R + Q(t)/C
if Q(t) increase then I(t) decrease .
as Vbattery constant .

شحن المكثف :
بص لاول صوره فوق هتلاقى المفتاح S1 و S2 مفتوحين مش متوصلين . هنوصل الاول المفتاح S1 وبيدأ المكثف يتشحن .
الشحنه الكهربيه اللى بيتشحنها المكثف Q كمعدله فى الزمن .

Q(t) = C x Vc
Vc = VBattery x (1 - e^-t/RC)
Q(t) = C x Vbattery (1 - e^-t/RC)

خد بالك فى حاجه اسمها الثابت الزمنى "Time Constant " بتاخد معامل الزمن t بيكون فى الحاله دى RC .
طيب يعنى ايه الثابت الزمنى :
الثابت الزمنى هو الوقت الازم لاى كميه كهربيه حتى تصل او ترتفع الى 63.2% من قيمتها النهائيه . او تنخفض الى 36.8% من قيمتها الابتدائيه .

لاحظ :
63.2+36.8 = 100

القيمه النهائيه للفولت الى ممكن ينشحنه المكثف = فولت البطاريه Vbattery
وبالتالى الشحنه النهائيهَََ = Qf = VBattery x C
خد بالك فى حاجه كمان مهمه لازم تعرفها وهو التيار وتغيره مع الزمن
لو طبقنا قانون كرشوف KVL
VBattery = Vr+Vc
VBattery = I(t)R + Q(t)/C
وكلما زادت Q لانه بينشحن قل التيار I لان فولت البطاريه ثابت .
شوف الرسم الى التحت بيوضح تغير الشحنه والتيار مع الزمن .

الأربعاء، 9 سبتمبر 2009

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DivX Pro + keygen

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Get More Information

خواص المكثفات Capacitors Properties

Capacitors Properties :
How is the capacitor dynamic component ?
First, we should Know the definition of Capacitance .
Capacitance : the ability of the object to hold or store electric charge for a given potential .
C = Q/V
C : Capacitance Farad
Q : Electric Charge Coulomb
V : Electric Potential volt

The Current through the component I :
I = C x dV/dt
so , V = 1/C x ∫I dt
this Indicates that the capacitor remember the voltage by another way it has to remember previous input for this output . (the output don't depend only on the current instant but it has to see the previous input so it has memory )

This show that the capacitor is dynamic and memory component .


خواص المكثفات :

ازاى المكثف عنصر ديناميكى ؟
بص يا سيدى قبل ما اقولك ازاى لازم نعرف يعنى ايه سعه المكثف "capacitance"
سعه المكثف : هى قدره الجسم او العنصر على تخزين وحمل شحنات كهربيه عنما يكون عليه جهد معين ولها الرمز C
C = Q/V
C = سعه المكثف الوحده : الفراد Farad
Q = الشحنات الكهربيه الوحده : الكولوم Coulomb
V = فرق الجهد الوحده : الفولت volt
خلاص كده عرفنا السعه بص بقى التيار الى بيمر فى المكثف قانونه
I = C x dV/dt
يعنى V = 1/C x ∫I dt
معناه ايه القانون ده ............
معناه واضح ان الخرج مش بيعتمد على الدخل عند اللحظه الحاليه وبس لأ ده بيتذكر او بفتكر الدخل عند اللحظه السابقه ما هو ده معنى التكامل على فتره زمنيه .
وبكده يكون المكثف عنصر ديناميكى وله ذاكره بمعنى انه بيبص للدخل السابق علشان يطلع الدخل الحالى .

الجمعة، 4 سبتمبر 2009

المكثفات "Capacitor"

المكثفات "Capacitors" :
Capacitor : It an electric component which classified as energy storing component . it stores potential energy as it depend on the voltage . you can called it as a voltage storage .
Construction :
It consist of two parallel conducting plates and between them dielectric material with certain permeability є.


المكثفات : هى عناصر فى الدوائر الكهربيه وتعد ضمن العناصر المخزنه للطاقه فهى بتخزن طاقه وضعيه "Potential " على اساس ان هى بتعتمد على الفولت . وتقدر تسميها مخزنات للفولت .
التركيب :
بتتكون من شريحتان موصلتان للكهرباء وبينهم ماده عازله للكهرباء وهذه الماده لهما سماحيه معينه "permeability " . كما فى الصوره اعلاه

How does it works ?

First , the current enter to any plate and this accumulate say positive charge Q = I x t in that plate and this causing the negative charge to accumulate on the other plate "this induced negative charge on the other plate" .
Second , this accumulation on the two plates cause potential difference between two plates this called potential storage ,therefore we say that the capacitor store potential energy .


كيف يعمل المكثف ؟
لما بيدأ يمشى التيار فى الدائره فيكون او بيراكم شحنات موجبه Q = I x t على احد الشرائح وبالتالى فتتراكم نفس الكميه من الشحنات السالبه على الشريحه التانيه . بيكون فى فرق جهد بين الشريحتين وده معناه ان بيخزن جهد بمعنى تانيه بيخزن طاقه جهديه او كامنه .

Warelex Mobiola Web Camera v3.0.15 S60 3rd

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برنامج يساعد اصحاب جولات من نوع سيبيان بحيث يمكن جولاتهم المحموله بأن تصبح كاميرا عاليه الجوله
وكذلك وصلها بالجهاز وكأنها بتشتغل زى اى كاميرا متوصله بالجهاز تقدر تعمل محادثات بها من الاخر زى اى كاميرا
متوصله بجهازك .

الخميس، 3 سبتمبر 2009

صيغات الحث "Inductance Formula"

صيغات الحث "Inductors Formula" :
It is common formulas for calculating Inductance according to it's construction :

هى صيغ عامه لحساب قيمه الحث طبقا لشكل الملف :

from wikipedia

انواع الملفات "Inductor Types"

انواع الملفات "Inductors Types" :
انواع الملفات يتتغير حسب حجتين :
  1. تنطبيقاته
  2. نوع الهيكل
The Inductors classified according to :
  • Applications
  • core Material
According to applications :
  1. Switching Coils
  2. Filtering Coils
  3. Continuous Coils
According to Core Material :
  1. Ferrite Cored
  2. Air cored
  3. Si Steel Cored
  4. Toroidal cored

توصيل الملفات "Inductors Connections" :

The Same as Resistor connections : Parallel , Series
Parallel Connection :

Series Connection :

الطاقه المخزنه Stored Energy = 1/2 x L x I^2 Joules
L Inductance Henry=Weber/ampere
I Current Ampere

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خصائص الملفات "Inductors properties"

شكل الملفات فى الدائره "Electric Symbol" :

you may find this symbol in some references "ممكن تلاقى الرمز ده فى بعض المراجع"

من اهم خصائص الملفات "Inductors Properties":
Dynamic Component

What is the meaning of dynamic ?
you know that there is a relationship between the voltage across the inductor and the current passing through it , as we mentioned that the Inductors depend on the current so the current is the variable " later called kinetic variable" . this relation is V = L x dI/dt
as :
V is the voltage across the inductor
dI/dt is the rate of change in the current "Current change Rate"
L is the Inductance

يعنى ايه الكلام ده يا عمى ؟ بص يا سيدى
الملفات هى عناصر "dynamic Component" يعنى ايه يعنى ان هى بتعمد على الدخل فى لحظات اخرى قد تكون سابقه وقد تكون لاحقه . من الاخر ممكن تعتمد على دخل اللحظه السابقه او اللحظه اللجايه . وبالتالى الملف عنصر ديناميكى .

V = L x dI/dt
I = 1/L x ∫V.dt

لاحظ فى تكامل بالنسبه للزمن وده بيأكد ان الملف عنصر دينامك "Dynamic component"

It has a memory , history

That is obvious from the last discussion , as V is integrates in terms of time and this mean that the inductors could depend on any last instant according to the limits of integral .

the change in current is not step change it continuous change as the integral in terms of time

واضح من الشرح اللى فوق ان فى تكامل للفولت "V" بالنسبه للزمن وده معناه ان التيار قد يعتمد على الدخل فى اى لحظه سابقه حسب حدود التكامل وبالتالى فان الملفات لها ذاكره . بالبلدى علشان تفتكر الدخل السابق لان الدخل الحالى بيعتمد عليه .
لاحظ :
التغير فى التيار تغير مستمر على فتره زمنيه الان الفولت بيتكامل بالنسبه للزمن وبالتالى فان التغير مستمر وليس متقطع .


Kinetic Energy storage

we mention it in the previous lesson
تابع الدرس السابق

الأربعاء، 2 سبتمبر 2009

الملفات "Inductors"

الملفات "Inductors " : الملفات هى عباره عن سلك ملفوف حول هيكل "Core" ويعتمد فى فكره عمله على خاصيه الحث .

Inductors : It is coil which is wounded around core . It Depends on Inductance Property .


ما هى فكره الحث ؟ يعنى ايه حث ؟ ازاى بيشتغل ؟

الحث من اهم الخواص الكهربيه للمواد . فمثلا لو انت عندك سلك ماشى فيه ثيار فبيتولد حول السلك مجال مغناطيسى جاى من تيار مش من مغناطيس دائم علشان كده اسمه "ElectroMagnetic Flux" .
دى هى اساس الملفات فأنت عندك تيار بيمشى فى السلك الملفوف فبيتولد مجال مغناطيسى φ فالمجال المغناطيسى ده بيشتغل بحيث انه يعاكس المسبب له وهو التيار فيولد فولت معاكس "Back emf" ليقلل الزياده فى التيار المسبب له طبقا لقاعده لينز "Lenz's law" .

خد بالك : من الكلام اللى فوق يدل ان الملفات هى من مخزنات الطاقه وتخزن طاقه حركيه "Kinetic Energy" لانه بيعتمد فى الاساس على سريان التيار وطالما فى سريان يبقى فى حركه وطالما فى حركه تيار فى ملف فبيخزن طاقه مغناطيسيه تقاس بالحث"Inductance" .
قانون حساب الحث الذاتى
Inductance L = Nφ/I Henry = weber/amperes

قانون حساب الطاقه المخزنه فى الملف
Energy E = 1/2 x L x I^2 Joules

How does it work ? what is the working Idea ? what is The meaning of Inductance Property ?
First , you should know that the Inductance is one of the most important and used Electrical Properties . It means that when current "I" Pass through Coil it Generates electromagnetic flux around it this magnetic flux work in the opposite of the current which generates it according to Lenz's Theory , So it generates volt " Back EMF" which decrease the change rate of the current"I"

This means that the Inductors Has ability to store energy "magnetic energy" or kinetic energy because it depend on the flow of the current "I".

you can measure the inductance and the energy from laws up

الثلاثاء، 1 سبتمبر 2009

انواع وخصائص المقومات "Resistor Types and Properties"

انواع المقومات :
حسب نوع المواد و تركيبها :
  • Metal film
  • Wire Wounded
  • Carbon Composition
  • Foil Resistors
  • Grid Resistors
اما بالنسبه لخصائص المقومات :
  • Static Component (Not Dynamic )
يعنى ايه "static" اقولك يا سيدى معناها انا الدخل والخرج فى نفس اللحظه "The Same moment" برضه مش فاهم ؟ بص يا عم المقومات الخرج فيه مش بيعتمد على الدخل فى اللحظه السابقه او اللحظه التاليه لكنه بيعتمد على الدخل فى اللحظه دى بس

V = IR

زى ما هو واضح فى الرسمه الدخل I بينضرب فى R يدينا V . يعنى الخرج V بيعتمد على الدخل I لنفس اللحظه وبالتالى فأن R عنصر ساكن "Static" .

  • No Memory , or History
مش بتعتمد على الدخل فى اللحظه السابقه . بمعنى تانى بالبلدى مش بتبص للدخل فى اى لحظه سابقه

  • Dissipative
يعنى مبدده للطاقه او مستهلكه للطاقه. وقيمه الطاقه المستهلكه بواسطه المقاومه

P = VI =V^2/R = I^2 x R

معلومه : تقدر تجيب قيمه المقاومه من القانون :
R = ρL/A Ω
ρ Ω.m : المقاوميه "Resistivity"
L m : طول السلك "Length"
ِA m^2 : مساحه مقطع السلك "Cross Section Area"